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Lattice Boom Truck Cranes to Rent in the Mid-Atlantic Region

At L.R. Willson & Sons, we are a family-owned and -operated business that has been providing much of the Mid-Atlantic region with lattice boom truck cranes and various other rentals for all your crane needs. Since 1971, we have given Washington, DC, Baltimore, Annapolis, and select North Virginia local’s peace of mind knowing that our equipment is up to any job, no matter the scope. As one of the oldest and most experienced crane and rigging equipment companies around, we’re always here to offer a helping hand and a wide range of rental cranes.

Our Lattice Boom Truck Cranes Are Perfect for Your Next Job!

Truck-mounted lattice boom cranes are wheeled trucks that feature a lattice boom crane in front of the operator’s cab. These trucks are often equipped with one cab for driving and for driving and one cab for operating the crane. The dual-cab nature of lattice boom truck cranes means the vehicle will often contain a front and rear (or upper or lower) engines. Some other common features include a long tail and counterweight behind the crane cab and a crane boom that consists of metal strips that cross to create a reinforced structure capable of heavy loads. We have many lattice boom trucks to choose from, so get in touch with one of our seasoned employees to review your options before renting.



Crane Rental Project in Gambrills, MD, featuring a large crane at a job site

A Versatile Lifting Option for Your Next Mid-Atlantic Job

Our rentable lattice boom truck-mounted cranes are valuable due to their versatility. With the ability to simultaneously lift and maneuver, it is easier to support your working load. This benefits the bottom line for your company due to there being no need for separate transportation concerns. Lattice boom truck cranes offer the strength of crawler cranes with the improved ability to distribute loads through outriggers. In addition, our small truck-mounted lattice boom cranes are an economic alternative to telescopic boom cranes for jobs that last for more than a few days.

Lattice Boom Truck Cranes vs. Lattice Boom Crawler Cranes

Hydraulic cranes come truck-mounted, while a crawler crane is a type of crane that can move around due to its caterpillar tracks. Lattice boom truck cranes are powered by a hydraulic system in the form of two hydraulic pumps. These pumps give the crane enough power to lift large amounts of weight on a fairly regular basis. On the other hand, a lattice boom crawler crane uses the track and propulsion system, where the track is the base of the whole machine and provides the equipment with stability and mobility. The crawler crane is more suitable for small to medium job sites with rough terrain, whereas the lattice boom truck-mounted cranes are ideal for big, basic jobs where many things need to be lifted quickly and efficiently. The team at L.R. Willson & Sons will help you determine which option is best for your next job.

Lattice Boom Truck Crane Specs



Call to Reserve Your Crane Rental Today!

No matter what type of crane you’re looking to rent, the helpful team at L.R. Willson & Sons can assist you. We offer a plethora of rentals to meet your job requirements. Contact us today for more information!